Multispecies Theory: Design for the More-than-Human
DM-GY 9201 C | Special Topics in Integrated Design & Media
NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Integrated Design and Media Program
Fall 2023
7 week course: September 6th to October 20th, 2023
Elizabeth Henaff
Multispecies theory is the rapidly growing paradigm that sustains that all practices of design, even if aimed for human users or audiences, implicitly impact non-human species: those we can see in our nearby environments, and those invisible or in environments far away. In this course, we will read from theorists who discuss feminist, intersectional, and multispecies approaches and apply those to design practices such as form, function and user experience. We will visit multiple current art exhibits in New York City institutions and learn to appreciate and critique contemporary art trends from a multispecies perspective. The class will take one "lab" field trip to learn how to extract DNA from soil microbiomes. Students will produce a media artifact (i.e. zine, podcast ... ) as a reflection on class topics for their final project.
Curricular Innovation
- new course
- professional exposure to art institutions in NYC relevant to bioart and design
- interdisciplinary instruction draws on readings from scientific and humanities sources
- decolonial, feminist approaches to multispecies theory
Syllabus Documents
Student Work