BioDesign Studio: Microtectures for Climate Resilience
DM-GY 9103 N | Special Topics in Integrated Design & Media
NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Integrated Design and Media Program
Fall 2024
Elizabeth Henaff
Sara Nejad
Metagenomics is the field of research which investigates the microbial component of our environment using genomic methods. It is a rapidly growing field, enabled by the recent decrease in cost and increase in throughput of DNA sequencing technology. We can now easily measure the microbial component of our environment, and have the opportunity to incorporate this new microbial metric into the design of our built environments and products.
In this class we will cover a basic understanding of the state of current research in environmental microbiomes, with a particular focus on addressing climate change. Indeed, microbes are not only responsible for a major part of biomass on our planet, but also are the focus of the new "green revolution" as their metabolisms are being increasingly operationalized. Students will get hands-on experience in which they will learn the computational methods to analyze genomic data. We will design physical devices to interact with this invisible component of our environment, either in the form of sampling instruments, bioreactors or bio receptive substrates that propose new symbiotic relationships with the microbial environment. We will also learn about multispecies design, and explore how careful anthropogenic interventions could be applied to create a more symbiotic relationship between humans and microbes to foster climate resilience.
Curricular Innovation
- integrate new material with focus on microbial metrics for climate resilience
- role of design in the biomanufacturing revolution
- During the student protests of Spring 2024, make space in class time to discuss current events and relate them to class topics to keep focus
Student Work