Title | Amount | Start | End | Submitted | Agency | Role | Collaborators | Project Links |
Humanities Lab
(H-lab): Radical Ecologies | 50,000 | 2019-01-01 | 2021-05-01 | Bennett Polonsky Foundation | co-PI | co-PIs: Tega Brain (IDM), Karen Holmberg (Gallatin), Elaine Gan (Experimental Humanities, CAS) | ||
Impact of flooding on the urban
microbiome and city residents’ exposure to sewage pathogens | 50,000 | 2019-03-01 | 2022-03-01 | Marron Institute | co-PI | PI: Andrea Silverman (CUE), co-PI: Tega Brain (IDM) | ||
Street-level Flooding Platform: Sensing
and Data Sharing for Urban Accessibility and Resilience | 89,990 | 2020-03-01 | 2021-02-01 | C2SMART | PI | co-PIs: Andrea Silverman (CUE), Tega Brain (IDM), Charlie Mydlarz (CUSP), Junaid Kahn (CUSP) | ||
Microbial monitoring of air streams | 20,000 | 2020-06-01 | 2021-12-30 | MEGA seed grant | PI | |||
Deployment and Tech Transfer of a
Street-level Flooding Platform: Sensing and Data Sharing for Urban
Accessibility and Resilienc | $89,963 | 2021-03-01 | 2022-02-30 | C2SMART | PI | co-PIs: Andrea Silverman (CUE), Tega Brain (IDM), Charlie Mydlarz (CUSP) | ||
NYS ESD Smart Cities: Real-Time Flood
Monitoring | 90,500 | 2021-05-01 | 2022-04-30 | New York State Empire State Development Fund | PI | co-PIs: Andrea Silverman (CUE), Charlie Mydlarz (CUSP), Brett Branco (CUNY), Ricardo Toledo-Crow (CUNY-ASRC) | ||
Fate and Accumulation of Chemical and
Microbial Contaminants Discharged by Combined Sewer Overflows | 25,000 | 2021-07-01 | 2022-06-30 | CIEH Pilot Program | co-PI | PI: Andrea Silverman(CUE), co-PI Jennifer Appell(CUE) | ||
A novel approach for invisible building
façade deterioration detection through microbiome analysis | 10,000 | 2021-06-01 | 2022-06-01 | 2019-12-15 | University Research Challenge Fund | co-PI | PI: Semiha Ergan | |
Hyperlocal Urban Aerobiomes | 17,745 | 2023-01-01 | 2024-05-01 | 2022-10-01 | CUSP Seed Grant | PI | ||
Prototyping Strategies for Public
Engagement around Flooding | 250,000 | 2022-03 | 2024-08 | 2021-12 | Sloan Foundation | PI | co-PIs: Tega Brain (TCS), Andrea Silverman (CUE) | |
693,198 | ||||||||
Nucleic Acid Based Environmental
Contaminant Detection | 75,200 | declined | 2023-11 | BioClimate | PI | |||
SCC: Engaging the Gowanus Canal Community
through a Superfund Library of Unseen Diversity and metaGenomic Ecologies
(SLUDGE) | 2,038,253 | declined | 2018-02-01 | NSF | PI | co-PIs: Luke Dubois (IDM), Tega Brain (IDM), Dana Karwas (IDM), Andrea Silverman (CUE) | ||
150,000 | declined | 2019-02-01 | NSF | PI | co-PIs: Ahmed Ansari(IDM), Tega Brain(IDM), Luke Dubois(IDM, Andrea Silverman(CUE) | |||
SCC-PG Citizen Science Monitoring of an
Urban Superfund Site using a S&CC approach | 50,000 | declined | 2019-02-20 | LACMA | co-PI | co-PI: Dana Karwas (IDM) | ||
The Molecular Cloak | 315,088 | declined | 2020-07-21 | FastGrants.org | PI | co-PI: Semiha Ergan | ||
Air flow monitoring for COVID19 detection
in indoor spaces | 0 | declined | 2020-08-01 | NSF | Senior Personel | PI: Brett Branco (CUNY-SRIJB); co-PIs: Philip Orton (Stevens), Andrea Silverman (NYU-CUE), Kathy Bunting-Howard (NY Sea Grant), Lindsay Campbell (USFS) | ||
SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B: Living with Water:
Co-produced data collection network for resilience to chronic and extreme
urban flooding | 6,000,000 | declined | 2021-01-01 | NSF | Senior Personnel | PI: Juan Bello (CUSP); co-PIs: Claudio Silva (CSE), Charlie Mydlarz (CUSP) | ||
Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:DP): UMAI: Urban
Monitoring and Analysis Infrastructure | in kind sequencing resources | declined | 2021-01-22 | PacBio SMRT Grant Program | PI | co-PI: Christopher Mason (Weill Cornell Medicine) | ||
Bioremediation and novel secondary
metabolite discovery through metagenomic analysis of Brooklyn’s hippest
Superfund, the Gowanus Canal | in kind sequencing resources | declined | 2021-01-22 | PacBio SMRT Grant Program | PI | co-PI: Anna Dyson (Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture) | ||
Investigating indoor plant-based
bioremediation systems’ potential to metabolize contaminants and inoculate
engineered environments: temporal characteristics of microbiome population
dynamics and metabolism | 283,141 | declined | 2020-11-01 | NSF | co-PI | PI: Anna Dyson (Yale Center for Ecosystems and Architecture), CoPIs: Jefferson Ellinger (UNC), Samira Shaikh (UNC), Michelle Bell (Yale) | ||
DISES: Development of a
Semantically-Enabled Framework for Analyzing the Complex Multiscalar
Interactions between Urban/Indoor Air Quality and the Built Environment
Process | 496,805 | declined | 2021-02-01 | NSF | Senior Personnel | PI: Tim McPhearson(The New School); coPIs: Elizabeth Cook (Barnard College), Brett Branco (SRIJB), Daniel Sauter (Pratt), and Andrea Silverman (CUE) | ||
SCC-IRG Track 1: RE-ACT: Coproducing
urban flood data and knowledge networks for community resilience action | $557,504 | declined | 2021-02-23 | NSF | PI | co-PIs: Anna Dyson (Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture), Michelle Bell (Yale School of Public Health), Krystal Pollitt (Yale School of Engineering), Christopher Mason (Weill Cornell Medicine) | ||
URol: MIM: Rules of microbiome dynamics
and metabolism in plant-based bioremediation systems | declined | 2022-10-13 | NSF | co-PI | coPIs: Jin Montclare (Tandon, CBE), Andre Taylor (Tandon, CBE) | |||
EFRI ELiS Preliminary Proposal: Shaping
the Built Environment Microbiome through Bioremediative Urban Systems | declined | 2022-12 | NSF | PI | co-PIs: Anna Dyson (Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture), Krystal Pollitt (Yale School of Engineering) | |||
EFRI ELiS Preliminary Proposal:
Biological Metal Sequestering Systems Inspired by the Gowanus Canal
Microbiome | declined | 2022-? fall | NSF | co-PI | lead PI: Maurizio Porfiri | |||
NRT: Urban Science for the cities of the
future | 2021-03-02 | pending | Yale Planetary Solutions (internal) | co-PI | PI: Anna Dyson | |||
Re-Imagining the Buildings and Cities of
the Future through Systems Integrated across Species and Biological Scales | Donation | 2020-05-01 | Grant | |||||
BioFlyte: in-kind donation of
instrumentation | Residency Application | 2020-11-01 | Grant | |||||
Sonic Acts: OVEREXPOSED with Theatre of
Collaborative Survival | Residency Application | 2020-06-06 | Grant | |||||
MIT Arts: Scales - Theatre of
Collaborative Survival |