Mankiewicz, Phoebe, Chandrima Bhattacharya, Anna Dyson, and Elizabeth Hénaff. “Growing Indoor Environmental Infrastructure: Designing for Microbial Diversity with Implications for Pollutant Metabolism and Human Health.” Research Directions: Biotechnology Design, 2024, 1–38.
Urban inhabitants spend upwards of 90% of their time indoors where building design and mechanical air-handling systems negatively impact air quality, microbiome diversity, and health outcomes. Urban bioremediation infrastructure designed to improve indoor environmental quality by drawing air through photosynthesizing plants and metabolically diverse rhizospheres have been investigated since the 1960s, however in-depth analysis of the potential impacts on indoor environments is required: (1) although recent evidence has illustrated human microbiome alteration and associated health benefits related to exposure to green wall systems, the mechanism(s) of diversification have not yet been established, (2) microbial metabolism and airborne chemical dynamics are extraordinarily complex and hypotheses pertaining to rhizosphere microorganisms metabolizing pollutants require more attention. To explore these areas, we applied a shotgun metagenomic approach to quantify microbial diversity and establish preliminary metabolic profiles within active green wall modules spanning a range of growth media and plant selections. Results indicate that fundamental design decisions, including hydroponic vs. organic growth media, support rhizosphere microbiomes with distinct diversity and metabolic profiles which could impact system performance. The described relationships indicate fundamental green infrastructure design represents an opportunity to “grow” indoor microbial diversity and metabolisms with potential benefits for human pollutant exposure and health outcomes.