FDNY Certificate of Fitness For the Supervision of Storage, Handling, and Use of Chemicals in Non-Production Laboratories
What is a C-14 and why do I need one?
The C-14 Certificate of Fitness is issued by the New York Fire Department (FDNY) and is a certification that you know basic lab safety as it relates to fire hazards.
How to get a C-14
There are two ways to obtain a C-14 certification:
- Register and take the C-14 Exam at the FDNY Office
- Claim exemption with educational background. To qualify, you need:
- A Master’s degree or higher in the a branch of the physical (i.e., non-living systems) sciences.
- A bachelor’s degree in the physical sciences and two (2) or more years of laboratory experience.
For either of these options, you will need to start an application process on the FDNY website which will also have all the information you need regarding the two above options.
Information You’ll Need While Completing the FDNY Application
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Upon Completion of the C-14 CoF
- Whether you passed or not, make sure to get reimbursed for taking the exam.
- Take a picture of your certificate.
- Crop down to just the certificate.
- Email a copy of this to RLS (rls@nyu.edu) with Christian Carter (ckc8851@nyu.edu) so that it can be uploaded to your SciSheild Account. In the email, include your name, position (e.g., Graduate Student), your lab’s name, your lab’s PI, lab’s location, your N#, your NetID.
- After you have sent this image to RLS, black-out your home address on the image of your certificate.
- Upload a scan of your certificate to this folder and add to this document.
- The file should be labeled as “YYYY-MM-DD_Your Last Name-Your First Name_C14-EXP20YY-MM,” where the date is the date on your certificate and EXP20YY-MM is the year and date of its expiration.
- Upload a copy of your SciSheild Certifcate of Training for C-14 to this folder.
- The file should be labeled as “YYYY-MM-DD_Your Last Name-Your First Name_Cert-C14,” where the date is the date on your certificate from SciSheild.