Hello, and welcome to the Laboratory for Living Interfaces. Here is some info about the lab and a checklist of to-dos when you join. This is a living document. See something that you think should be here? Please add it!
1. Lab Safety To-Dos
- Have Elizabeth Hénaff add you to the lab’s SciSheild (BioRaft) account. To access SciSheild go to
- Lab safety to-dos
- Get Elizabeth to add you to the lab BioRaft. To access BioRaft go to, then search for BioRaft
- Go through the necessary trainings for lab safety (you will receive emails from BioRaft once you’re signed up)
- Get your C14 certification
- NYU training: Go to Bioraft > Go to training > click on course directory > click on intro to certificate of Fitness (C14)
- FDNY certification: go here for online application to either take the exam or apply with educational exemption. More info here on how to fill out those forms.
- Print out a copy of your C14 and tape it to the outside of the lab door
- Digital infrastructure to-dos
- Get Elizabeth to add you to the shared Google Drive
- Get Elizabeth to add you to the henafflab listserv email
- Add your contact info here
- Add your C14 here
- Join the Slack channel
- Join the 3 Hénaff Lab Goggle Calendars. Once added to the calendars, please use the appropriate calendar for scheduling events as listed below
- Hénaff Lab 📈Meetings & Events in Blue use this for meetings, events, and non-wet lab reminders.
- Hénaff Lab In|Out ✈️ in mango. use this to mark when you will be out of town/away for any extended period. These events should be marked as ‘all-day events,’ so they are at the top of the calendar instead of taking up hourly calendar real estate.
- HL 🧬 Lab IRL (RH807) in eucalyptus green use this for any in lab/Rodgers Hall 807 work.
- Connect to NYU Greene Supercomputer (HPC)
- Check out the SOP folder for Standard Operating Procedures for a lot of the things we do in the lab, including:
- Waste
- Safety Inspections
- Bringing environmental samples into the lab
- storing/removing samples in freezer
- Have a new protocol? Write it up using our SOP template
- Ordering things. NYU uses a purchasing system called IBuy.
- The IBuy system can be found at NYU Home > Ibuy
- If you can’t log in to it, email Elizabeth
- Test run:
- Find a lab coat of your liking
- Make a cart with your item and assign to Elizabeth using her NYU email as search term:
- Lab Tunes
- Connect to bluetooth speakers at “MBTube”
- Contacts
(Don’t forget to add your contact information to the list